“Where Flowers Bloom, So Does Hope”

Hope is something that is found during struggles that directs us to the light. You know, struggling is ok. Lately, Ive been struggling a lot with joint pain.  Some days it is very severe, some days it’s manageable.. but when you only get maybe 2-3 hours of sleep at night and have finals to study for, it makes things a bit more difficult. No, it doesn’t stop me from doing my day to day stuff..(dog walking and puppy sitting at the moment lol). I try my best to push myself to live the life I want to be living with or without all of the post transplant obstacles I’m dealing with. I’d like to say I’m doing a pretty good job, but would love to do better (always). I’m finally learning when to stop, so I don’t overdo it all the time…. (learning the hard way like always. Because yes, I’m stubborn).

The doctors aren’t sure what is causing the pain yet, so right now they are just trying to get the pain under control. A muscle biopsy would be needed to determine exactly what’s going on but apparently they are extremely painful so I’m goin to hold off on that option until it ends up being the last resort… you will be hearing about it though, I promise!!! So right now strangely enough, anxiety medicine and Ibprofan (which I’m not suppose to take but they are allowing me to once a day) is whats helping keep my joint pain under-control.. They are thinking that eventually it will just slowly go away, so we will see. Oh and this dang sleeping problem, is still a problem. Like a really big one… SO IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO LEAVE A COMMENT ON ANY AND EVERY SLEEPING TIP YOU HAVE, I WOULD GREATLY APPRECIATE IT (tia). I feel like I’ve tried them all, but I know there’s more out there somewhere and I would love to hear what works for you! Can’t wait to see what all of you have to say… 🙂

May 15th I start class IN Fayetteville at the U of A for 2 weeks… WAHOOO! Just the beginning of my #comeback 😉 This will be the longest I’ve been away from my parents since my transplant and that just makes my stomach twist and turn…. I know I will be okay, and they are only a few hours away if I need them. I just hate that I’ve been having so many rough days lately… praying things lighten up quick!  Also, I hopefully will have my furry kids with me.. that should help big time!  I’m not lying, dogs know when something is up and can be the best nurses (if they are in the mood). Even with all that being said, I will admit I truly am very excited to start class again. It finally feels like I’m on the road to being ME again and that’s what I’ve been waiting for since last May! Cheers to that! 

So many other fun things will be going on the next few months and I can’t wait to share! 

-XO Kara

7 thoughts on ““Where Flowers Bloom, So Does Hope”

  1. Hey Kara – Try the Headspace app! It’s a meditation app that I use at night when I lay down. It’s 10-20 minutes based on what you select and if I focus on it, I usually fall asleep before the session ends! Also, try melatonin! 🙂

    Hope that helps! Praying for you!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Kara, Hope your pain subsides soon. About your sleeping problems…a few ideas that may help. Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime Tea helps me sometimes. Also, have you heard of weighted blankets? They provide a feeling of security, relieve anxiety and promote relaxation. Sometimes just putting a pillow on my chest helps me. I also do a breathing technique where I choose positive words (like peace, love, etc) to say in my mind when I inhale and exhale the negative words(like stress, anxiety, etc). Sometimes it works and sometimes I just have to binge watch Netflix for awhile! Praying for success in your studies ahead. Always thinking of you! Julie Larsh Douglas

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You are such an inspiration. I hate all these struggles for you! You are right – we learn so much when we struggle. It is what helps us see the light. You are an amazing young woman! ((HUGS))

    Mrs. Daly


  4. Great to hear from you. How exciting for you to be headed back to UA. Will be praying for your joint pain to get better before your upcoming weeks at school. Sleeping only a few hours at a time has to be really tough. For my midlife insomnia I like to exercise it the late afternoon/early evening and then lay down with a puppy snuggled up and some HGTV. Sometimes a bowl of cereal as a bedtime snack.
    Missouri is thinking of you –
    We love you – Heather

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Kara ,
    I ditto the weighted blankets , tea, lavender oil or lotion and of course ‘words with Friends’ .
    Sleepless nights are so Annoying !!!!!! My mom doesn’t sleep either , so you always text and play scrabble with her too 😘. Good Night
    Doreen –
    Love your hair too

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Kara, I keep saying that cancer teaches us patience. What is your vitamin D right now.??? They say it takes at least 2 months of 10,000 units per day to start getting the pain in the joints less painful. That is when mine started getting better. I am still on 5,000 units per day. After cancer that old body has a hard time getting back to normal. Yes, I agree about the furry friends helping. Steve keeps saying that my black kitty cures cancer. after my surgery that black kitty slept by my head night and day. When I was in pain and could not sleep; just petting and hearing her purr, made me feel so much better. Make sure you are talking to your doctor about sleep medicine. It is common to not sleep after cancer; our bodies are very confused and do not sleep well. The medication that the univ. of Iowa gave to me to make me sleep; did not allow me to sleep for even one minute a night!!! I just lay in bed and count the stars. My doctor said – well it does the reverse for some individuals and that I was one of them. Try changing med and always ask lots of questions. Keep up your great attitude!!! Things will get better. Eat broccoli, veggies, eggs, and all things healthy and less sugar. Dr. Weil’s website today is talking about different kinds of mushrooms and how they have a big effect on cancers. You might check his website out. Take care!!! Good luck with your studies. Hope all goes well. ( I hope they told you that that anxiety medication is very addicting; and it is very hard to get off of it. This is just advice from an old Grandma)!


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